Clinics & Services
Nurse Clinics
The practice nursing team offers a wide variety of services including: chronic disease management (asthma, COPD, diabetes, coronary heart disease, and stroke/TIA) dressings, removal of stitches and travel vaccinations).
The nurse team are also able to carry out:
- B12 Injections
- Other injections (Nebido, Zoladex, Prostap, Tinzaparin, Vitamin D, Depo-provera )
- Blood monitoring (INR, Methotrexate and other DMARD’s, Lithium)
- Childhood Immunisations
- Essential vaccinations (MMR catch up, Whooping cough for pregnant women, Coeliac, pneumonia, shingles, flu).
- Dressings
- ECG’s (requested by GP or clinician)
Please telephone 01244 325421 if you wish to make an appointment to speak to a practice nurse
Asthma Clinic
We have specially trained practice nurses who regularly review all asthmatics.
Minor Surgery Services
Minor surgery is available at the practice If you think you may need minor surgery please make an appointment to speak with Dr Henry, Dr McCully or Dr Wright.
Ear Syringing
Ear syringing is not currently being performed at the surgery, however the service can be accessed using the ‘Enhanced Service’ offered by Garden Lane Medical Centre in Chester. To book an appointment with this service, please contact our medical administrator team who are able to book the appointment for you.
Maternity Medical Services
Please telephone the surgery for details of your local antenatal clinic as soon as pregnancy is confirmed. Postnatal services are provided by Dr Susannah Grey, Dr Florence Collet, Dr Sarah Aston & Dr Patricia McCully.
Click here to download the Maternity Leaflet
You can now self-refer to the Countess of Chester Maternity Team, please scan the QR code on the following poster to complete your booking form (you will need your NHS number).

Child Health Surveillance Services for Children aged 8 weeks & Postnatal Consultations
At the age of 8 weeks, you and your baby will be invited by a member of the Medical Administration team to attend two appointments at the practice; one with a GP and another with a Practice Nurse. Your initial appointment with the GP will involve the GP physically examining your baby, then the Practice Nurse will give the 8 week immunisations. Details of the vaccination schedule can be found here – NHS vaccinations and when to have them – NHS (
You will be contacted by the Practice to arrange these appointments. If you do not hear from the Practice by the time your child is 8 weeks old please telephone the surgery to arrange an appointment.
Immunisations (Children)
You will receive a letter from the Health Authority or the Practice to inform you when your child needs to have their immunisations, please telephone the surgery to arrange an appointment.
Immunisations can be booked in with the practice nurse for a 20 minute appointment in their normal surgeries.
Guidance to keep you safe when attending your vaccination appointment during COVID-19:
Sexual Health
Our doctors and practice nurses provide contraceptive services by appointment. The surgery offers emergency contraception service within the hours of 08:00 to 18:00; if you require emergency contraception out of hours please contact your local pharmacy.
This service is not just about contraception but also about how people look after themselves during their reproductive years, including pre-conception, menopausal care and sexual health. A full range of services are provided including sexual health screening and advice regarding contraception. This includes contraceptive implant (Nexplanon) fitting and removal. We also offer opportunistic chlamydia screening for those aged 16-24 (kits available in toilets/reception).
A comprehensive Sexual Health Service is offered at the Sexual Health Hub, Chester – 0300 2470020 (Option 2), which can be found at Fountains Health Centre Sexual Health Clinic. They provide all aspects of sexual health screening, advice and treatment, condoms and contraception options. Please visit for more information and clinic times.
Please visit for advice about contraception, pregnancy, STIs and sexual wellbeing

Cervical Smears
We recommend that ladies between 25 and 49 years old have a 3 yearly smear test, and those between 50 and 64 years of age have a 5 yearly smear test. Smear tests are usually taken by the practice nurse and an appointment is required.
People are routinely invited to have a cervical smear screening test to prevent cervical cancer. Each day, over 12,000 people have their cervical screening test and the majority have a normal result – together we can stop cancer before it starts.
If you are worried or nervous about having a cervical smear, and wish to discuss with someone first please contact us after 11am to book in for a chat with a member of our nursing team.
NHS Health Checks
If you are in the 40 to 74 age group without a pre-existing condition, you are eligible to attend the surgery for a free NHS health check. It’s designed to spot early signs of stroke, kidney disease, heart disease, type 2 diabetes or dementia.
As we get older, we have a higher risk of developing one of these conditions. An NHS Health Check helps find ways to lower this risk.
During an NHS health check you will be asked a series of simple questions, for example if and how much you smoke. Your height, weight and waist will be measured to calculate your BMI, your blood pressure will be recorded and you will have either a blood test or a small sample of blood taken from your finger tip to check your cholesterol/blood sugar level.
For more information visit:
Medical Examinations
All patients between the age of sixteen and seventy five who have not attended the surgery within three years are welcome to attend a general consultation and will be offered appropriate health checks.
Patients aged seventy-five and over who have not attended within twelve months are welcome to attend for a general consultation and will be offered appropriate health checks. This general consultation may take place in the patient’s home where, because of the patient’s medical condition, it is deemed appropriate to do so.
Travel Vaccinations
When travelling abroad and visiting areas where there are higher risks of contracting infectious diseases, travel vaccinations are available to offer protection for many of these diseases. Travel vaccinations will usually be required in addition to the vaccinations you receive in accordance with the UK vaccination schedule and some countries request certification to prove you have received certain vaccinations prior to allowing you entry to the country.
If you have recently booked a trip or a planning one, we recommend that you look at the following websites to familiarise yourself with general travel advice for the countries you are visiting. The websites will provide pertinent information on how you can keep safe and well during your trip, including vaccinations and malaria prevention (as appropriate).
- – National Travel Health Network and Centre (NaTHNAC)
Receiving Travel Advice/Vaccinations
You will need to ensure that you give yourself at least 8 weeks prior to travel in order to receive this advice and organise the vaccinations that you require.
We offer the following vaccinations that are free of charge on the NHS. These are:
- Hepatitis A
- Typhoid
- Tetanus/Polio/Diptheria
- Cholera
We also offer the following vaccinations for a fee –
- Yellow Fever
- Rabies
If you require travel advice and/or vaccinations, please contact the practice. You will be sent a travel questionnaire to complete and return. Following review of the completed questionnaire, one of our Practice Nurses will make contact with you to provide advice and if required an appointment will be made for you to attend to receive the required vaccinations.
There are also travel health clinics in Chester and Liverpool where you can arrange the advice and vaccinations (inclusive of malaria prevention) that you require.
Appointments for travel health clinics (Well Travelled Clinics) can be arranged either online via their website or by telephone on 0151 705 3223.
Please note there will be a charge for the travel consultations and for some of the vaccinations via these travel clinics.